Project Search Explained


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Welcome to Pacifecon Help Desk Area - Project Search Explained

Project Search Explained

This allows you to search Pacifecon's database using 9 different search facilities and selecting the region you require.  Projects are always listed with the most recent project first so if you use the website on a regular basis you will only be looking at the top projects that have been entered since you last went online. 

I will give a brief explanation of each search:

By Keyword  this will search the description fields for matches to any word you enter (i.e. Hotel, Britomart, etc.).  This is a very useful tool but does have limitations which it is good to be aware of - it only looks to exact matches to the word you type so it is always best to try and use the shortest version possible (i.e. a company typed in Wineries, they should have used Wine).  It will not search through the contacts (architects/developers etc.), you will need to use other searches for that.

By Project Stage you can search by projects at a particular stage, i.e. Early Planning.

By Specialised Report here the database is broken down into over 30 different industry fields for your searches (i.e. Hotel/Motel/Resort)

.By Project Type searches by broader market segments (i.e. Commercial).

By Street Name you can enter a street or part of a street name and all projects that street will be displayed.

By Architect & Designer this brings up Pacifecon's entire Architect & Designer database for each region and you can get the current project listing under each firm.

By Builder this brings up Pacifecon's entire Builders & Contractors database for each region and you can get the current project listing under each firm.

By Date Published you can list all projects for a certain period by entering a start and end date.

By Project ID you can refer directly to a Pacifecon project by entering the ID number.

These searches are limited to projects within the last 90 days and we only display a maximum of 50 projects so these reports run quickly for you.

Contact us now if you need further assistance.